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Film still from RÉCRÉATIONS: A group of children in a playful fight.

Sat 17.06.

  • Director

    Claire Simon

  • France / 1992
    57 min. / DCP / Original version with English subtitles

  • Cinema

    Arsenal 1

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  • Guest: Claire Simon (Conversation in English language), Moderation: Birgit Kohler

A dreary school playground in Paris becomes a hive of activity during recess. The games played by the four- to six-year-old children follow their own rules. Sticks are collected, houses are built, alliances formed, conditions negotiated, attacks ordered and terrains defended. Real-life dramas unfold. Gestures of cruelty and solidarity can be seen. With her video camera, Claire Simon completely enters into the perspective of the children, not intervening but rather observing their behavior and the stories that develop from it. The social interactions of these small people allow power mechanisms and structures from the society of adults to come into focus. The off-screen saxophone also contributes to the raw quality of the film. (bik)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund